Beacon Point Metropolitan District (the “District”) is anticipating holding a regular election on May 5, 2020. There are 2 seats up for election for a May 2022 term and 2 seats up for a May 2023 term for a total of 4 seats. The first election deadline is February 28, 2020. Anyone interested in running as a candidate for the Board of Directors is required to submit a self-nomination and acceptance form on or before February 28, 2020. You can request a self-nomination form by sending an email to Abby Franz at White Bear Ankele Tanaka & Waldron ( or calling her at (303)-858-1800.


If the District receives more than 2 self-nomination forms for each term (for more than a total of 4) the District will hold a full election on May 5, 2020.   All registered electors and property owners will receive ballots in April.  If the District receives 4 or less self-nomination forms, then those candidates will be deemed elected and the election will be cancelled. In such a case, no ballots will be mailed to registered electors or property owners.

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