
Below are the motions made at the July 1st and July 10th Board meetings after Executive Sessions were held. We will keep you updated as more information is known:

July 1st motions:
The Board reconvened in regular session after the Executive Session. The following motions were presented:

Suspend Parking Enforcement: Director Travis motioned to suspend parking enforcement pending further review.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, seconded by Director Huber and, upon vote, of three yes and one no, the Board approved to suspend Parking Enforcement pending further review.

Notice to the Public Regarding Suspension of Parking Enforcement: Director Travis motioned for a notice to the Public Regarding Suspension of Parking Enforcement.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, motion was not seconded by another Director, disregarding a motion for a notice to the Public Regarding Suspension of Parking Enforcement and it was not approved.

Second Opinion: Director Travis motioned to obtain an independent second legal opinion.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, motion was not seconded by another Director, disregarding a motion to obtain an independent second opinion on parking enforcement and it was not approved.

A Press Release, Created by SDMS, Defining the Facts on Parking Enforcement: Director Hernacki motioned for SDMS to create a press release defining the facts on Parking Enforcement.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Hernacki, seconded by Director Travis and, upon vote, unanimously carried, the Board approved drafting of a Press Release defining the facts on Parking Enforcement.

Consultation with Karl Kasch. Director Conover motions for SDMS to consult with former Board member Karl Kasch regarding parking issues and any additional information and history.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Conover, motion was not seconded by another Director, disregarding with former Board member Karl Kasch regarding parking issues and any additional information and history and it was not approved.

July 10th motions:
The Board reconvened in regular session after the Executive Session. The following motions were presented:

Two Additional Legal Opinions. Director Travis motioned that the District pursue 2 additional legal opinions.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, seconded by Director Hernacki and, upon vote, unanimously carried, the Board approved seeking two additional legal opinions.

Special 4 hour meeting to discuss parking. Director Travis motioned that the District hold a Special meeting open to the public to discuss parking.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, seconded by Director Hernacki and, upon vote, unanimously carried, the Board approved holding a Special 4 hour meeting open to the public to discuss parking.

Continue parking enforcement. Director Travis motioned that the District reinstate enforcement of parking covenant.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Travis, seconded by Director Kiefer and, upon vote, 2 yes and 2 no, the vote was a tie and did not carry. Suspension of parking enforcement will continue pending further review.

Motions from July 1st and July 10th meeting. Director Hernacki motioned that the motions following the Executive Sessions at the July 1, 2019 and July 10, 2019 be published in the community eblast.

Following discussion, upon motion duly made by Director Hernacki, seconded by Director Travis and, upon vote, unanimously carried, the Board approved the motions following the Executive Sessions at the July 1, 2019 and July 10, 2019 be published in the community eblast

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